Public (sworn) translations of documents, contracts, diplomas and others

Companies that trust our services

Tradução de carteira de habilitação, certidão de nascimento, certidão de óbito, procurações, escrituras, registros de imóveis, contratos de compra e venda, certidões de casamento, averbações, certidões de divórcio
Tradução juramentada de diplomas, históricos escolares, ementas de disciplinas, certificados, cartas de recomendação, declarações, documentos para revalidação de diploma, revalidação de mestrado, revalidação de doutorado
Evite filas em cartórios: economize tempo e dinheiro contratando os serviços de apostilamento de Haia e despacho de documentos para todo o Brasil e todos os países do mundo
Tradução de documentos para obtenção de cidadania italiana, visto de permanência, processos de imigração, processos de emigração, guarda, cartas rogatórias
Apostilamento de Haia, envio de documentos para o exterior, tradução juramentada, tradução oficial, tradução pública
Despacho de tradução juramentada para a Europa, EUA, Ásia, África, Austrália e Nova Zelândia com rastreamento em tempo real e seguro
Tradução Juramentada


Translations made by professionals qualified by the Boards of Trade in accordance with current legislation

Tight deadlines due to the high demand for Public Translators and Interpreters

Sworn translations in digital (ICP-Brasil electronic signature) and paper versions in accordance with the legislation

+ 3million

words translated

+ 20languages

available for translation

+ 350

direct collaborators

Price estimate:

Clique ou arraste os arquivos para esta área para fazer upload.Você pode enviar até 100 arquivos.
Maximum file size: 8 MB. If your files are larger, please contact us here:

Common questions:

TraduVersus makes every effort to accommodate requested deadlines. We have a diverse team of professional translators who are used to meeting challenging deadlines. Therefore, be sure to obtain a price quote and express the urgency of your translation, as we will make every possible effort to present a proposal that accommodates short deadlines, without ever compromising the quality of the service provided.
We have over 20 languages readily available, but our network of overseas collaborators allows us to translate into over 100 languages. Normal translation deadlines are valid for the following foreign languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Arabic, Korean, Danish, Dutch, Hungarian, Japanese, Mandarin, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
Any and all documents may be prepared as sworn translations, as long as they are original or a certified copies. Some examples of commonly translated documents are full-text certificates (birth, marriage, death certificates), property registration certificates, medical certificates, proof of income, income tax returns, diplomas, certificates, reports, criminal background certificates, letters of request, court decisions, guardianship and custody certificates, powers of attorney, deeds, partitions of property, transcripts, summaries of courses taken, declarations, declarations of nothing on record, police reports, medical prescriptions, various exams, passports, CNH, RG, among others.
According to Article 27 of Law no. 14,195/2021, “translations prepared by a public translator and interpreter are presumed to be true and accurate.” Furthermore, Public Translators and Interpreters (TIPs), formerly known as Public Translators and Commercial Interpreters (TPICs), have civil, criminal, and administrative liability for incomplete, inaccurate, wrong or fraudulent translations. Our company has partnerships with several sworn translators in Brazil, guaranteeing speed and savings to the end customer. As our partners receive high demand from our company, we are able to negotiate fair prices and deadlines to meet the urgency inherent in this type of service. In addition, we offer notary apostille services and dispatch of documents to all continents of the globe.
In addition to the confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement signed by the client and TraduVersus, several legal, technological and managerial mechanisms ensure that all your information will be protected against cyber-attacks and leaks perpetrated due to social engineering failures. All of our employees are properly trained to use tools such as FTP, VPNs and access control systems.
TraduVersus is a legally constituted company, headquartered at SHCGN 705, Bloco E, Loja 8, Asa Norte, Brasília/DF. Our company is 100% Brazilian and serves the entire country. To get in touch with us, just fill out the price quote form, send an email to, contact us by phone 55 (61) 3711-1507 / 55 (61) 99925-1507 or send a message via WhatsApp at the number 55 (61) 3711-1507.
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TraduVersus Serviços de Tradução LTDA | SHCGN 705, Bloco E, Loja 8 Asa Norte - Brasília/DF | CEP: 70730-555
Tel.: (61) 3711-1507 / (61) 99925-1507 | E-mail: | CNPJ: 47.430.091/0001-69

TraduVersus - Traduções Profissionais
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